Do Only Old People Sort Laundry Anymore?

The things you learn on Twitter.

Mary DeVries
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Thomas Dumortier on Unsplash

@zachsilberberg posted an innocent question on Twitter on a Sunday afternoon:

Twenty-four hours later his tweet has over 300K likes and 20K retweets. People have thoughts.

Turns out Zach is on to something. It isn’t universal but most young people throw it all in together, wash on cold, and call it a job well done. The 40 and up crowd is horrified.

As a more-than-a-decade-past-age-40 person myself, can I reclaim my youth by simply rejecting the rigid laundry binaries of my upbring?

I’m game to give it a try!

The situation quickly got out of control for poor Zach.

Theories abound for why this generational divide exists. Many people suggest that improvements in technology make the need for separating obsolete. With better detergents, dyes, and…



Mary DeVries
Crow’s Feet

The older I get, the less I know. That won’t stop me from writing about everything and anything under the sun. Join me in delighting and despairing about life.