Do You Become Better at Detecting BS as You Age or Just Less Forgiving?

I’m finally finding my voice and it feels pretty awesome

Lisa Johnson
Crow’s Feet


Photo of myself, with my mum, sister, and niece at my 50th party.
My 50th birthday party, with my mum, sister, and niece. Photo credit: the author.

I seem to be coming across more bullshit than ever.

Or am I just better at recognising and calling it now I’ve reached my 50s and seem to have found my voice?

I spent years hiding under the cloak of low self-esteem, always agreeing with everyone, never taking an opposing stance, and keeping my opinions hidden for fear they might upset someone or make them dislike me.

Then I turned 50, and I felt a shift. I have become less agreeable to others’ actions and words if they feel inauthentic or clash with my morals and values.

(And I’ve found a liking for leopard print as shown in the above photo.)

Maybe my self-esteem is finally emerging from the crap I have taken on over the years. Ex-partners, pretend friends, and this filtered society we live in have all played their part in making me feel not enough. I molded myself to fit in everywhere rather than finding places I belonged. These places, of course, were impossible to find because I struggled to be my true self.

Maybe I have finally found my voice. The one that was silenced during years of abuse and kept quiet during the years…



Lisa Johnson
Crow’s Feet

Helping those that have been hurt in the name of love rediscover their true selves.