Don’t Miss The Book of Dads

It’s the latest episode of the Crow’s Feet Podcast

CrowsFeet Podcast
Crow’s Feet
2 min readJun 14, 2024


“A special tribute to fathers” is how Betsy Allen, a Crow’s Feet editor and podcast host for this heartfelt Father’s Day podcast, describes this memorable episode. Crow’s Feet writers share their poignant memories and thoughts about fathers, fatherhood, and “grandfatherhood.” Sound designer Rich Halten makes the readings come alive with his creative editing.

The touching reminiscences begin with host Betsy Allen reading her essay about her dad, his beloved “Fighting Irish,” and how some Saturday afternoon football games helped establish an enduring connection between father and daughter.

Writer and songwriter Rand Bishop follows, with a tribute to his devoted dad who loved him despite his sexual orientation, which could have led to tensions found in many families. Bruce Stambaugh says that he learned to love his dad after he realized that “I spent too much of my adolescent and young adult life trying to earn his affection when affection wasn’t his thing.”

Author Dani Mini writes that she accompanied her father to their homeland of Venezuela where she saw how he still mattered hugely to people who worked for him years before.

Some dads impress their children with their abilities, as was the case for the writer known as Dr. Alex , The Recovering Educator, who recalls his father doing carpentry projects, macrame, painting, and writing stories about his childhood.

Writer Mary McGrath’s father was the life of the household and a prankster on good days, when he was feeling the upside of the manic-depressive syndrome that plagued him all his life.

The sudden death of author Jerry Dunn’s father still looms large among the memories of the man he called Dad. Meanwhile, writer Ilana Rabinowitz shares three lessons she learned from her father, one of them involving the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

The episode ends with a small Piper airplane ride, one piloted by the beloved father of author Jane Trombley.

Click here to listen to the full Father’s Day Podcast Episode.

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