Exercising with a Medicare Card

Micah Ward
Crow’s Feet
Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2021


First, do no harm.

Photo by Lisa Wall on Unsplash

I recently received my Medicare card. As milestones go, it’s right up there with the appearance of grey hair and the first Viagra prescription. I can’t say that I was surprised to see it arrive in the mail. After all, my 65th birthday is right around the corner. But opening the envelope and seeing that red, white and blue card really brought home the fact that I am approaching the back end of my life.

If I follow my parents and grandparents example, I can count on another twenty to thirty years. That’s not bad. I’ll take it. The question is what kind of years do I want those to be. I think the answer to that is fairly obvious and common for someone my age. I want them to be healthy and active years. I want to dance at the weddings of my half dozen grandsons. So how do I get there?

It is no great secret that exercise and movement is a major part of staying healthy and active as we age. In the book Younger Next Year, Chis Crowley said that cardio vascular exercise will save your life and weight training will make it worth living. I happen to agree with that sentiment, but I also believe that we must make adjustments to our exercise routines as we move into our later decades. I came home from the gym a few days ago and my wife asked if I had a good workout. I answered that it wasn’t a particularly vigorous workout but at…



Micah Ward
Crow’s Feet

Micah is a retiree who writes, runs, prays and enjoys craft beer in the rolling hills of central Tennessee. He goes to the ocean when he can.