Finally Finished: Tales of Cleaning Out

Winnowing the stuff of a life well-lived

Julie Ranson
Crow’s Feet
Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2024


Photo by Jozsef Hocza on Unsplash

My last post about clearing out the stuff my packrat husband left behind was a tear-soaked missive. Okay, hold on, that’s the first time I’ve called my husband a packrat. (Well, in my writing, that is.)

Grieving and cleaning make strange bedfellows, in my view, though I expect that anyone who’s lost a family member can tell similar yarns of joy and woe.

I’m obviously wrong about these two actions forming an odd pairing. They go together like wine and cheese: one is rarely found without the other. However, I wasn’t ready for the effect all this cleaning would have on my grief process. Honestly, I was totally unprepared for all the stages of grief and how nonlinear the process would be.

People depart this life and leave behind the stuff of a life well- or poorly-lived. The quality of the junk makes the case for how successfully one may have navigated his or her years.

My mother recently moved to a senior living facility. She struggled to decide what decorative items to leave behind. She took too much with her, we all believe, but a few more weeks in the new place should illuminate that fact. Unpacked boxes in her one and only closet will tell that tale.



Julie Ranson
Crow’s Feet

Word Lover. Writer. Self-improver. Believer. Widow. Mother of three adults. Find me everywhere: