Glorious Fall

Robin James
Crow’s Feet
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2021


Every day I’m shufflin’

Summer used to be my favourite season but as I get older I enjoy fall more and more. Nice chilly evenings, crisp mornings and warm afternoons are more enjoyable than the searing heat and stink of forest fires.

I live in a place where the weather can turn from beautiful to a big grey ball of suck overnight. Fall is notoriously short here, it usually runs from late August to late September. Permafrost rises up and freezes the ground in October so no matter how warm it is, the ground itself is hard.

There have been warm Octobers, sure, but it’s not the norm. So every day that the weather is pleasant and sunny is a day to take a walk and soak up the pretty colours, delicious scents and cleaner air.

This is also a great opportunity to be a child again and shuffle my feet through the leaves. The best years are the ones where the leaves fall and are baked in the sun until crispy. Those years, like this one, are fantastic for leaf-shuffling.

Sooner than I’d like the trees will be bare. But until then, I’ll go out of my way to shuffle through every leaf pile I see.

Every. Single. One.



Robin James
Crow’s Feet

When I’m not writing my novel I’m writing rants and whatnot. Figured I might as well post them here.