Going to the Gym as an Older Man

An insider’s view

John Egelkrout
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

In case you were wondering, that is not me in the photo above.

I have been athletic my whole life, almost from the time I could walk. I was blessed with good coordination, an athletic build, and lots of older boys in my neighborhood who taught me how to play sports. I was that kid that left home in the morning with his baseball glove and bicycle and came home only to eat.

Before I was even in kindergarten, I was already playing baseball in the local schoolyard with a plastic bat and a tennis ball. I could throw and catch a baseball or football better than anyone in my class. At recess, I often taught the other boys in my class how to play football or baseball. I was a prepubescent jock.

Go ahead. Ask me about the first Super Bowl.

My athleticism continued throughout high school and well into my adult life. I always valued physical activity and remained active throughout my early adulthood. I hiked, played golf, and maintained a membership at the local gym. I rode my bicycle often, kept my weight where it should be, and ate a healthy diet.

After I turned 50, things began to change noticeably.

The days of playing team sports were long gone, and while I still wanted to golf, I found myself neck-deep in…



John Egelkrout
Crow’s Feet

I am a sanity-curious former teacher who writes about politics, social issues, memoirs, and a variety of other topics.