Grumpy Grandpa says: “But I don’t wanna have Go-Go years!”

Travel in retirement isn’t all that it is cracked up to be

Tim Dibble
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Bulat Khamitov:

Retirement years are classified into three categories: Go-Go years, Go-Slow years and No-Go years. The presumption is that the first group of years will be consumed with travel.

What’s the point of travel?

I’m sure you are starting to list off all the stock answers but I bet if you really look at your list, you’ll find the core element is bragging rights.

Travel isn’t all that interesting if you can’t tell anyone about it!

Tourism comes with costs to the places being visited. It doesn’t take much digging to see how tourism is ruining places.

Machu Picchu added a restrictions on tourism in 2024, including monitoring cameras and turnstiles. Paving the access paths to prevent further destruction to the artifacts may happen next.

Greek landmarks the Parthenon and Acropolis are adding entrance fees, concrete walkways and limits to the daily number of visitors.

The Roman Colosseum gets headlines for someone carving their initials in the monument and the perpetrator is hoping to plea bargain down his destruction to an apology.



Tim Dibble
Crow’s Feet

Dog Father connecting the dots with a touch of humor. I write to entertain and maybe share a bit of wisdom.