Help For New Medium Writers of All Ages Is Available

Join us for a free session and never be puzzled again

Alice Goldbloom
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

My crow’s feet were well established when I started publishing my stories on Medium. I found Medium to be fairly intuitive, but a vast platform that definitely takes several weeks, in the beginning, to figure out how to navigate your way around.

Whatever age you are or stage of writing you are at, I know how daunting it feels when you first start and my writing group would like to help you figure out what end is up and where to start.

If you have recently started writing or you’re thinking about writing, please join me and the three other members of my writing group Stephanie Thurrott, Michelle Loucadoux, MBA, Kristina Segarra, on Thursday, May 6, 2021, at 1 pm ET.

We would be happy to answer your questions and share our experiences. We are keen to tell you about our writing group — the four of us communicate every day, help each other out with edits and comments and catch up on Zoom calls regularly.

Our session is totally free with no hidden agenda. We are not going to try and sell you a course or e-book or coaching session!

We would love to get to know you and answer any questions you may have. Just email me, and we will send you the Zoom link a couple of days before the session on May 6. Please include any questions you have or just bring them with you to the video call.

My email:

We look forward to “seeing” you.



Alice Goldbloom
Crow’s Feet

Woman of a certain age. On a good day I am 12 feet tall. Join me on Substack @ A Considerable Age.