You’re going to find out what levity is
Hey, Retirees, Let’s Lighten Our Day a Bit
Laughter is good like a medicine
Life is serious, wars, the death of loved ones, and marriages dissolving in divorce. Then, we’re faced with health issues we cannot seem to handle. But, in spite of it all, we make time for laughter. Laughter restores the soul.
I must confess I dug the following words from my archives of useless stuff. Years ago, when I copied and pasted things in my archives, I didn’t record who wrote it; oh, come on, you’ve done it too. Don’t be so hard on me. If you know the author(s) let me know.
We live in a world of too many words, don’t you think? Brevity and succinctness are not in the lexicon of government regulators anymore.
If there was a shred of doubt the world is totally insane, this would remove it.
This says it all
Pythagoras’ Theorem: …………………………24 words.
- He, Pythagoras, seemed to have a fascination with triangles.
Lord’s Prayer: …………………………………….66 words.
- This Prayer is for soul development.
Archimedes’ Principle: …………………………67 words.
- Archimedes was happy to know if…