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How Do Couples Manage Having Babies in Their Fifties
My grandkids wear me out
I’m 58 years old and in good health. I should be more active but I do okay with the occasional basketball game and joining my wife on a brisk walk.
But when the grandkids come over, I’m worn out. I look forward to the visit but I’m relieved when they leave.
My grandson, DJ, will be six in March. He enjoys playing ‘pretend’ with whatever action figure he brings. Yesterday it was a couple of Transformers, namely, Bumblebee and Megatron. He also brought Raphael, a Ninja Turtle. I chided him for not bringing my favourite Transformer, Ratchet. He reminded me that he left it at my place. I had to locate it.
I enjoy playing “pretend,” but DJ keeps changing the parameters. One figure is a good guy, then he’s a bad guy. This location is a mountain, then it’s an ocean. Don’t get me wrong. I love to let his imagination run wild and I don’t want to stifle it. It’s just that if it’s a mountain I’m ready to climb it. Then I have to change my thinking because I have to swim in the ocean. I’m a simple man.
That’s the mental exhaustion. Then there’s the physical. From rough-housing to hockey to being the horsey to being jumped on.