Crow’s Feet Prompt #19: Thinking of Myself as Older

How External, Internal, and Infernal Events Remind Me I’m Getting Older

Which is tolerable as long as I’m getting bolder, wiser, and funnier

Marilyn Flower
Crow’s Feet
Published in
5 min readOct 26, 2022


Photo from RG Studio by Getty Images, collaged by author in

Who was it who said old age ain’t for sissies?

I think they were onto something. They might have also been on something. Can you blame them? Dodging the slings and arrows of outrageous ageism is no cakewalk — to mix metaphors.

Speaking of outrageous, I’m hoping the advancing years come with a license to be outrageous. One I can put in my wallet.

It’s challenging enough to grapple with the ravages of time and gravity across our bodies and our lives. We don’t need to be marginalized, compartmentalized, patronized, discounted, and discriminated against. But ageism is alive and well and making our lives hell.

At best, getting older’s a mixed blessing.

On the one hand, the men on the street have stopped whistling and catcalling. Phew! But I’m becoming more and more invisible.

I can slip in and out of places unnoticed. When the sign says one per person, please, Dave Brubeck and I can “take five.” Though my waistline certainly…



Marilyn Flower
Crow’s Feet

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?