How I Solved My Midlife Crisis

Micah Ward
Crow’s Feet
Published in
4 min readSep 16, 2021


Without buying a Ferrari or taking a mistress

Photo by Henry Fraczek on Unsplash

My midlife crisis almost passed by unnoticed. In fact, it didn’t feel like a crisis at all. It was more of a midlife kerfuffle. A moment of off-kilter confusion.

I never expected to have a midlife crisis. I’m pretty content with my life. I enjoy a retirement that came on my own terms and at the time of my own choosing. I wasn’t forced out due to downsizing or corporate restructuring. No, I pursued retirement with great enthusiasm and grabbed it with both hands at the first opportunity.

I’m in reasonably good health. Sure, I have prostate cancer the same as a lot of dudes my age. I’ve dealt with a pinched nerve in my back but I have also recovered to the point that I’m back to running and hiking. So, no complaints there.

Maybe my kerfuffle had more to do with the fact that I didn’t have a midlife crisis, even though it was high time that I should. Was I going to be the only senior on my block that didn’t have one?

So, I talked myself into having a midlife crisis. Then I realized I had to do something about it. Of course, I thought about buying a Ferrari. It’s a standard cliché that old dudes buy the fancy sports car that they could never afford when they were younger. But I’m a retired cop and retired cops simply aren’t on the economic level to…



Micah Ward
Crow’s Feet

Micah is a retiree who writes, runs, prays and enjoys craft beer in the rolling hills of central Tennessee. He goes to the ocean when he can.