How Life Changes When Your Children Move Out

And how this Mom coped with it.

L.A. Strucke
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash

Sometimes when I close my eyes, I see myself attending a school event many years ago. I’m strolling into an auditorium with four laughing children trailing me. This was my norm back then.

My children were excited about their lives and talked about all their plans. Friends of theirs waved when we arrived, and their friends’ parents became my new friends.

We were a family, and we were always together. I loved being with them. And that’s why it was so hard for me when they grew up and moved out.

Children changed my life

Having four children changed my life. I stopped eating my lifelong diet of American, American Chinese, and Italian food. Now my teen children introduced me to Japanese sushi, Vietnamese pho, Indian butter chicken, and authentic Mexican tacos.

My food horizons weren’t the only things that changed about me. My eldest daughter asked me to take a test that demonstrated that I had white privilege. Here I thought I’d always had a tough life but compared to others I’d had privileges I never even knew about.

My daughters insisted that we recycle, and explained why it was important. My son taught me so much about computers, I tested out of a…



L.A. Strucke
Crow’s Feet

Top Writer, Songwriter. Published in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Highlights for Children and Guideposts. Editor of The Creative Project.