How Meditation Has Made Old Age the Best Time of My Life

Aging is not just a number. It’s a scary monster you’ve got to accept and tame.

Gary Buzzard
Crow’s Feet
Published in
6 min readAug 17, 2023


Senior Hispanic Couple Taking a Selfie at the Beach.
iStock Image by adamkaz

Once you accept your age, everything gets better.

I resisted old age for a ridiculously long time. It was only through accepting the present moment that I could accept my age and relax into it.

Aging well is not only about diet, exercise, good healthcare, and lucky genes. Even if you’ve got those things knocked, there’s something even more important: acceptance.

Accepting yourself, your age, and what’s happening here and now is essential to a happier, more satisfying old age. Acceptance started for me during the Pandemic lockdown of March 2020.

I had a small business providing chair massage therapists for trade show exhibitors, and the lockdown cut it off at the knees. I was 75. I had nothing but free time and a supportive wife, so I joined this platform and began reading. I read, took long walks in Golden Gate Park, and dreamed of writing online. But I could not do it. I’d freeze up trying to comment on someone’s article.

My self-confidence was battered.



Gary Buzzard
Crow’s Feet

I write two times a week on meditation, mindfulness, and aging gracefully—on accepting life, not fighting it. You may email me at