To hear or not to hear

How OTC Hearing Aids Changed My World and May Ward Off Dementia

I didn’t know what I had lost until I got it back

Maryan Pelland, Woman with a Pen
Crow’s Feet
Published in
6 min readOct 15, 2023


Black and white still shot of Hester Prynn listening to a man speaking through an 8-foot hearing tube across a table. OTC hearing aids
1923 film, The Scarlett Letter from the public domain

A pair of non-prescription, digital in-ear hearing aids made me younger and more beautiful. No, really — I felt old when my biggest contribution to conversation became, “I’m sorry, what?” And it isn’t attractive…



Maryan Pelland, Woman with a Pen
Crow’s Feet

Background in journalism and a passion for helping others find their voice, I'm dedicated to the craft of writing. Real Insight! is my Medium publication.