How to Find Your Calling

Four ideas helped me find it in my seventies.

Gary Buzzard
Crow’s Feet


iStock Photo by borchee

I’m a ridiculously late bloomer who took 70-plus years to find my calling. “Good God, man, that took a long time,” you might say. And you would be right about that. I stumbled through life for a long time.

To paraphrase Yogi Berra, I was lost, but I was making good time.

A calling connects you with a greater purpose outside yourself. Your calling becomes a core part of who you are and what you want to give to the world. It’s similar to a life purpose, but I like “calling” better because of its vagueness.

One doesn’t begin with no calling and then chart a course with goals and objectives until she arrives at her calling. It’s not logical like that. You arrive at a calling when you‘re already living wholeheartedly and following your intuition. You might be living your calling and not even realize it.

A career choice is not a calling. A career is about me and my desires, while a calling is about something larger than myself.

The key to your calling is moving from focusing on yourself to concentrating on a greater purpose. Choosing to be a lawyer, a landscaper, or a politician is a career choice, but any one of those careers could become a calling.



Gary Buzzard
Crow’s Feet

I write two times a week on meditation, mindfulness, and aging gracefully—on accepting life, not fighting it. You may email me at