How to Operate a Husband before Your Operation

Melanie Chartoff
Crow’s Feet
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2022

Pre-op and post-op measures to ease his distress

Photo of an exhausted husband provided by the author
Photo courtesy of the author.

Preparing him for your surgery

1. Identify and map each room of your home, distinguishing the kitchen from the bathroom, the den from the office and bedroom.

2. Label and number drawers, shelves, cupboards, closets in each room, clarifying right from left, up from down, lower from upper, above from under.

3. Shop ahead. Buy him easy-to-prepare food. Freeze and refrigerate prepared foods.

4. Make sure he is in an absorptive state and be patient as you define what “medicine cabinet,” “microwave,” “stove,” “toaster oven,” “pot,” “pan,” “kettle,” “plate,” “cup,” and “bowl” mean.

5. Show him how to shampoo your hair in the kitchen sink; forget conditioning or combing.

6. Explain that there may be some trauma after the surgery, and he will need to stay calm.

7. Put post-its on each medication bottle and remind him that they are for you, not him.

After your surgery

1. Encourage him to get extra rest before and during your convalescence.

2. Speak slowly and calmly when describing your pain level; minimize your irritation when he makes mistakes and chuckle pleasantly.

3. Line up a friend for back-up just in case.

4. Double check any pill he hands you after your surgery against the prescription.

5. Thank and praise him profusely and continuously; squeal in delight at his successful actions.

6. When he wrenches his back bringing you a cup of tea, suggest he get his own medications.

7. Mail him a get-well card before your surgery which will arrive as he recovers from your pain.

