I Don’t Want to be a Home Owner Anymore

Forget downsizing, I’d rather abandon home ownership completely in midlife. Here’s why.

Victoria Corindi 🌻
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Vicky Sim on Unsplash

Owning a house is the American dream.

I get it. My husband and I purchased our first house as newlyweds and planned for it to be our forever home.

The thrill of opening our front door for the first time is something that I’ll never forget. He carried me across the threshold.

We were finally home.

Psychological and Emotional Benefits

I won’t dispute the psychological and emotional benefits of owning your own home.

The sense of safety that came from my husband and me knowing that every square foot of it was ours — that’s real.

No one could tell us not to put up the 1990s green-vined wallpaper in the downstairs bathroom — although I wish they would have.

Only we had keys to our house. No landlord or repairman would surprise us as we were coming out of the shower in a towel — yes, that happened.

Never again would we have to worry about renewing a lease. The mortgage was fixed for 30 years with the same monthly payment throughout — and then it was ours outright.



Victoria Corindi 🌻
Crow’s Feet

Founder of Modern Mothers, Highest Happiness, The Human Side of Work. I'm a curly-haired GenX woman in the Midwest. IT architect by day, storyteller by night.