
I Don’t Want To Be A Senior Citizen

Crow’s Feet writing prompt #13: World Senior Citizen’s Day

Warren Turner
Crow’s Feet
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2022


My one friend, ever faithful. Photo by Pietro Schellino on Unsplash

I didn’t know how to spell Cenyour Citysin, now I are one

They tell me August 21st is World Senior Citizen’s Day.

Not on my calendar. Do I need a reminder that of the 8 billion people in the world, I am among the 55 million in the US who are decrepit?

Wrong word. I meant 65+, the odd age which someone chose as the divider.

Here’s the issue. I am not 65+ but well beyond. I wonder what to call my official international day. There is nothing on my calendar for that.

Admittedly it is a one-sided calendar, somewhat limited. For example, it shows me the 17th is Black Cat Appreciation Day. The 20th is International Homeless Animals Day (and, reminding us to watch our calories, on August 27th, 1980, Tiger, a 43-pound cat, died).

I’ve discovered an intriguing resource, Demographic Analysis Estimates for the Total Population: April 1st, 2020

If you so desire, you can find out how many people are your age in the US. It shows me that out of the 331,449,281 of us, there are only 462,778 who are 83-year-old men like me.



Warren Turner
Crow’s Feet

A semi-retired, progressive clergy person who writes personal essays about life at 80 and sometimes tries to be funny. Supporter of all LGBTQ+ issues. He/Him