I Have More Limits Due to Age, but They’ve Made Life Amazing
I didn’t know that fewer choices would be a good thing
Everyone slows down as they age, even when they work hard to keep moving. It’s a natural process.
I find myself taking a nap around lunchtime more often. I cut short activities I could have done for hours thirty years ago. For example, I sometimes believe my power tools are feeling neglected. Out of the corner of my eye, I see them crying when I walk into the garage. They miss the hours of joy we used to have together. Now, it’s more like a short fling.
However, I’ve noticed something remarkable due to the restraints my body puts on me, and it’s this: I finish things more often.
At first, I was confused. How can I possibly get more accomplished than when I had boundless energy? The answer is that not having enough time makes you more intentional about what you’re doing. It makes you focus, and this is a major key to productivity. When I had tons of energy, I often threw it in a thousand different directions.
Limits can be a good thing in many other ways, even for creative arts, which may surprise you. Take the haiku, for example. The three phrases in a 5, 7, 5 pattern force you to make the strongest word choices.