I Was a Kelly Girl in the 70s, When Being Chased Around the Desk by Your Boss Was Just Part of the Job

Office Life in the Bad Old Days

Roz Warren, Writing Coach
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Everyday basics on Unsplash

I was a Kelly girl back in the 1970s, when everybody just went with the idea that occasionally being chased around the desk by a horny supervisor was part of the job.

In those days, all of the bosses, supervisors and managers were men. And while most of them weren’t ass-grabbing dirty-talking handsy bastards, some of them were.

The Attack of the Handsy Bastards

Nobody was outraged about this. None of my supervisors at Kelly Girl ever told me I didn’t have to put up with that crap. But why would they? I never bothered to report it to them.

On the job, I’d just deflect Mr. Grabby Hands with a joke and keep moving.

“Me too” was decades in the future.

Back then, everybody had a “boys will be boys” attitude about men who talked suggestively to you, made a pass at you or grabbed your ass in the elevator.

And because I was young and hot and blond?

If a dude misbehaved? Well, that was my fault.

That’s what I got for being young and hot and blond.



Roz Warren, Writing Coach
Crow’s Feet

Writing Coach and Editor Roz Warren (roSwarren@gmail.com) will help you improve and publish your work.