I’d Like to be a Grand-Meow

Mary McGrath
Crow’s Feet
Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2021


Imagine spoiling our cat’s kittens?

Hi grandma! How about an ice cream cone? Photo by Mary McGrath

I missed the turnoff for bearing children, and as I’ve grown older, I’ve wondered what my life might have been like if I had chosen to be a mother. I’m sure being a mother has many rewards, but I know it’s not an easy task.

But how about just skipping the mother part, and simply become a grandmother? I guess it’s kinda hard without having kids, but I’ve got three cats. If they had kittens, could I be a “grand-meow?” I think I’d like that job.

I could take the kittens to an amusement park and let them ride the kitty rides. You know, those rides that have catnip in them, so that the felines go into a frenzy as they are spun around and hurled through the air, or chased by an animal-shaped carnival character.

Imagine the glee on their fuzzy faces in knowing that there’s no real danger in the rides, just carnival fun? Of course, I’d probably have to deal with kitty barf afterwards, but I’m used to that. Besides, it’s a small price to pay for seeing the joy in those kitty eyes.

Or maybe I could take the grand-kitties to pet stores, and let them gaze in wonder at the birds, fish and mice. What better way for them to learn about nature without having to hunt them down and leave them on your doorstep.



Mary McGrath
Crow’s Feet

Top writer in humor, short stories, writing, advice and poetry. She’s written for Newsweek, Wall St. Journal, Good Housekeeping, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.