If You Could Stay One Age for the Rest of Your Life

What would it be?

Micah Ward
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Christian Buehner on Unsplash

The lovely and talented Mrs. Ward and I were enjoying our morning coffee when she hit me with the question. If I could stay one age for the rest of my life, what age would it be? I have said on many occasions that I would not trade my current stage of life for any that has gone before. But it might be interesting to give it some thought.

I will turn 68 this summer. I’m in decent shape and relatively good health and for the most part I am content with life. But what if I could be some other age and actually stay that age for all the years I have left? My first thought was probably the one that comes to mind for a lot of people. The age when I was in my physical prime.

I was 27 years old and stationed in New Hampshire in the Air Force. I was also in the best physical shape of my life. I ran fast and lifted heavy weights. I played squash with enthusiasm, if not much skill. I enjoyed cross country skiing as well as rock climbing in the White Mountains and the boulder fields of southern New Hampshire.

As Bob Seeger sang:

“I was lean and solid everywhere. Like a rock.”

But I wasn’t a content rock. I was young and relatively immature. I was disappointed with how my career was playing out and I was obsessed…



Micah Ward
Crow’s Feet

Micah is a retiree who writes, runs, prays and enjoys craft beer in the rolling hills of central Tennessee. He goes to the ocean when he can.