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If You Had Told Me 30 Years Ago…

The answer to whether a woman only has value to society when she’s young

Julia E Hubbel
Crow’s Feet
Published in
12 min readOct 24, 2019


My living room floor looks like a Goodwill drop-off center, strewn with clothing, gear, shoes and adventure gear. I’m rarely this messy, being ex-military, but at the same time I am unpacking from five weeks in the wilds of Mongolia I am also packing for three weeks in Ethiopia, at the same time I am packing my entire house to sell and move back to the Pacific Northwest. In February, I head back to Africa to scuba dive, ride horses on safari and do some research for a client in Arusha.

I’m in the middle of my third book, working with a brand new multi-billion dollar client, producing at least two to three articles a day, developing new clients and writing gear reviews, punching out two workouts a day. Not a rocking chair in sight around here.

Who the fuck has time?

It’s mayhem around here, evidence of a very busy, energetic life. At 66.

On October 26th, my new Medium friend Margaret Kruger will be taking her IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) test to complete the next step in her pilot’s training. Three weeks ago, as I wrote elsewhere on Medium, she hauled a 300-lb man up from the depths of the Gulf of Mexico, thereby completing her Rescue Diver Certificate…



Julia E Hubbel
Crow’s Feet

Stay tuned for some crossposting. Right now you can peruse my writing on Substack at More to come soon.