If You Love Colors or Are Color-Sensitive You Can Use Them as a Resource for Improving Your Mood, Managing Your Eating, and Helping You Reach Your Goals

Jean Anne Feldeisen
Crow’s Feet
Published in
7 min readJan 9, 2022


More from a Seventyish Woman

Shiny holiday tins, bowl of chocolate kisses, cooling racks with cookies
Photo credits: photo taken by the author

I find that I am eating better this week. Yesterday we gave the remaining cookies to the birds, put the candy away, and gave away the second half of my only stollen this year to a good friend. Despite my sincere intentions to stop eating the wrong stuff and to give things away whenever I had the opportunity, I found myself almost mourning the loss of this little fruit-and-nut-studded half-a-loaf. What is up with that? Giving bread to a friend needn’t be painful, but it felt that way. The Stollen I make at Christmas is a symbol of the joys of the season, is carefully sliced and presented, mainly from me to me, as a treat each morning of the holiday.

At my age, the sooner I can get back on track, the easier it is on my body and mind. So, it is gone, as are the cookies, the candy dish of Hershey's kisses which I had to buy to decorate the cookie boxes, the candy canes I used to decorate the dessert trays. All the pretty stuff is put away where it is out of sight and not luring us to eat it. I miss the trappings of the holiday, though. It was so colorful and exciting.



Jean Anne Feldeisen
Crow’s Feet

I've got my fingers in way too many pots. Cook, writer, poet, reader, musician, therapist, dreamer, a transplant from New Jersey suburbs to a farm in Maine.