Crow’s Feet Writing Prompt #7: Rapidly Changing Technology

I’m Almost Living in the Pioneering World I Was Promised

However, I’m still waiting for my flying car and jetpack


A red decal of Rosie the Robot from the animated series “The Jetsons” is prominently displayed on the side of a stainless steel kitchen appliance. Below the decal, the name “Rosie the Robot” is written in red to match the character’s outline.
Yes, I named my first Instant Pot after the Jetson’s robot Rosie (photo by author)

I was born in 1961 and have seen technology changing rapidly since then, but as I was raised on Star Trek TOS and the Jetsons, I expected to have flying cars and jet packs when I got older. While I don't have those yet, I have all sorts of cool technology that would truly amaze my grandparents.

My grandparents, born early in the 20th century, witnessed amazing technological changes from the horse and buggy to jet planes and moon landings. They went from telephones you needed to have an operator connect you to the person you wanted to speak to, to telephones you directly dialed to talk with someone. Vacuum cleaners meant no more hauling the big rug out to slap it clean, refrigerators instead of ice boxes, electric or gas stoves instead of wood-burning ones. They went from windup Victrolas for listening to music at home, to radio, and the television.

While color TV was around when I was born, our family had a black-and-white TV. We didn’t get a color TV until 1977, just in time to watch Roots when it premiered. It was your standard box TV with dials you had to turn to the channels you…



Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age
Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age

Published in Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age

“The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.” (Frank Lloyd Wright) Non-fiction pieces, personal essays and occasional poems that explore how we feel about how we age and offer tips for getting the most out of life.

Jean Crawford Evans 🧙‍♀️
Jean Crawford Evans 🧙‍♀️

Written by Jean Crawford Evans 🧙‍♀️

Photographer, artist, cook, fat activist, writer, and lady of leisure with a garden

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