I’m Retired, Shouldn’t I Want to Travel?

Mary McGrath
Crow’s Feet
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2021


I’m having my doubts about going abroad

Photo by Prateek Mahesh on Unsplash

I know, everyone tells me that once you’re retired, you should travel! Think about all those exotic places you should see! Broaden your horizons! Learn about new cultures! Meet new people!

But I’m not sure I want to anymore. I’ve been retired since 2003, and I’ve already done a lot of traveling. Now I’m kinda liking my own home and some familiar surroundings. My doctors are nearby, and my friends are a phone call away.

My partner wants to hit the road again, and I wish I could be enthusiastic, but I’m not.

Here are a few other reasons:

1) I hate getting up at two AM to be at the airport by five.

2) I always worry that the taxi or the Uber is going to forget to pick us up, so I am a wreck until get on the plane.

3) Those popular places are always clogged with so many other tourists. Where is that empty Colosseum they promised from my travel brochure?

4) I always wonder if my partner is going to wander down some alley in the middle of nowhere and I won’t be able to find her.

5) What’s that weird spice in my pasta dish? Did they really cook it properly?



Mary McGrath
Crow’s Feet

Top writer in humor, short stories, writing, advice and poetry. She’s written for Newsweek, Wall St. Journal, Good Housekeeping, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.