Things I’m NOT Too Old For

I only wish I were

Jan M Flynn
Crow’s Feet


Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Back in the day when I was still stupid, I did something terrible

I didn’t mean to. But I hurt someone deeply, someone who means the world to me. I’m not going to describe the incident, because that would be telling a story that isn’t really mine to tell, which is what caused the wound in the first place.

There’s no pain quite like witnessing the pain you’ve caused for a loved one.

Sadly, ridiculously, I created the whole mess by trying to avoid upsetting anyone.

My signature style, honed since my days in the cradle.

Let me be clear, though: I’m not blaming Mom or Dad. I own my actions. I was a grown-ass woman at the time.

And that day was . . . two weeks ago

That’s right. Wise old me, threescore-and-ten, she who has undergone therapy and who meditates and does yoga, she who tends to attract the confidences of others who think she is trustworthy and smart — blew it. Just last week. Spectacularly.

Very humbling.

Also, ouch.

My gut is still burbling.



Jan M Flynn
Crow’s Feet

Writer & educator. The Startup, Writing Cooperative, P.S. I Love You, The Ascent, more. Award-winning short fiction. Visit me at