Five Good Things About Getting Older

Crow’s Feet writing prompt #12: the best aspects of aging

Barbara Andres
Crow’s Feet
Published in
4 min readAug 7, 2022


Photo by kazuend on Unsplash
  1. You wear an invisibility cloak when you leave the house.

Nobody notices you. Nobody catcalls you. Nobody tells you to “smile.” You can actually go about your day in peace. It’s hard to pinpoint the exact day it happens. One day, you’re walking down a city street and you’re fair game. The next, you’re invisible.

Believe me, it’s nice to be left alone. And no, it’s not because you’ve suddenly turned into a hag. You look no different than you did the day before, when that creep dared to leer at you or say, “Hey babe” to a perfect stranger like it was his right. It’s that now you have that “don’t fuck with me” air about you, that air that comes with not being a pretty young thing (read: prey) anymore. The leches leave you alone.

They sense your presence, but, like any bullies, they avoid people who push back. You do that without thinking. A withering glance in their general direction. Eye contact not necessary.

“Don’t even think about it.” And, they bolt. Nice.



Barbara Andres
Crow’s Feet

Muddling through, one story at a time. Grab a cup of tea, pull up a chair, and let’s get curious together.