Know Thyself

Insights on aging

Ann Litts
Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age


It just recently dawned on me that I don’t enjoy going out on the town after dark. Oh sure, I’ll venture out if the company is good and the show is a smash. But the days of wandering around after the sun has set to amuse me are done.

I have come to this conclusion slowly. I noticed that I schedule way more brunches and lunches with friends than dinners. I noticed that I will often opt for the matinee showing of a movie, musical, or concert. I noticed that I now take into account things like — travel time, parking, crowd size, and whether or not healthy eating/drinking options are available. Long gone are the days when I would dash home from work, quickly change clothes, and meet up with friends at a bar to drink beer and eat All. The. Fried. Bar. Foods.

Am I maturing? Am I aging? Am I paying more attention to the stuff that matters to me (like my health)? Am I paying more attention to my budget which has more than one income stream, but is still for the most part a fixed-income sort of beast?

Perhaps it’s a bit of all of the above.

I’ve noticed the same shift among my closest friends. We are all learning the power of, “No, thanks.” We aren’t doing stuff we don’t want to do — even if we love the humans we might be doing it with. We have begun to search out alternatives to the wild and crazy…



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