Life After Death?

Do our deceased loved ones communicate with us?

Crow’s Feet
2 min readJan 23, 2022


Dove flying with outstretched wings in blue sky
Photo by Reynaldo #brigworkz Brigantty on Pexels

Personally, I don’t know, as I am not dead yet. A couple of experiences have me thinking death may not be the end.

My mother, an avid lover of birds, died in 2000. We were very close.

A month after her death I was about to clear the leaves out of the pool filter, when my youngest daughter said, “Mum, I think there is a cane toad in the filter.”

I lifted the lid, and out popped a yellow, bedraggled cockatiel. It promptly climbed onto my outstretched finger.

My first thought was, “Hello Mum ”

Now I might have thought nothing more of it, except it didn’t end there.

Two days later a Brolga settled itself in my pool area for several hours. We live in suburbia, so not a place one would expect to see a long-legged water bird. Another coincidence?

Two months after her death, on my 50th birthday, I woke to the sound of white cockatoos squawking on. I pulled my curtain back to see almost 50 of them on my back lawn, outside my window, like a white carpet.

It was a spectacular sight.

One has to wonder. I know I did. Did Mum and her family come to wish me Happy 50th Birthday?

And as for that yellow cockatiel, she lived with me for 10 years. I got her a mate and they produced a number of hatchlings, all bringing me great joy.

In my next article, I will continue with another experience I had following my father’s death and his love for dogs. Another coincidence, personally I don’t think so!

What do you think?



Crow’s Feet

I have grown up in the Australian bush & lived in Hong Kong . I am a mother, grandmother and great grandmother with a lot of tales to tell. I am new to writing.