Longing for a New Home

When where you are doesn’t feel right

Laura Blankenship
Crow’s Feet


The view from my house, sunset. Photo by the author.

“Don’t you feel just so lucky?”

“Wow, this is perfect.”

“This is a beautiful house. I’d never leave.”

These are the comments I get when people come to my house, a house I’ve lived in for nine months.

They’re not wrong. We’re right on a lake with large windows and a deck from which we can enjoy the view. The kitchen is spacious and open. We have enough space for guests, both the overnight and the dinner variety. We have a working wood fireplace that we enjoyed all winter. It’s kind of like being on vacation all the time.

But every couple of days, I Google or turn to ChatGPT to look for other places to live. Then I hop on Zillow or Redfin and check out prices. While this might be the right place for some people to retire to, it’s not for me, and, I’m not quite retired. But I do consider that where I live next might be the place I end up in when I officially do. So deciding on a new home feels like a crucial decision to make.

We ended up in this place out of both desperation and luck. When I knew my job was ending, my husband agreed I needed time away from the intense work I’d been doing for the last decade or so. In order for that to work, we needed to move to a location with a lower cost of…

