Mom’s Punishments Didn’t Always Work

Mary McGrath
Crow’s Feet
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2021


She tried to keep us in line…

Photo by Zachary Kadolph on Unsplash

When I was young, my mother often accused me of misbehaving. Not doing my chores, an altercation with my brothers, or staying out late were all reasons for disciplinary action.

Mom attempted various forms of punishment, but most of her efforts were futile. I remember her sending me up to my room to “examine my conscience.” But I couldn’t find it. Was it under the bed? Perhaps it was in the closet? Maybe it was in my sister’s room?

Sometimes she would try to punish me with a spanking. She had a hairbrush which she liked to use. But she didn’t know that I often put a book down my pants before she would swat me. I would feign extreme pain, letting her think that she was really teaching me a lesson. After she would leave, I took the book out and gently put it back on the shelf.

If I were to use profanity, she had a quick remedy for that -- washing my mouth out with soap. Into the bathroom I would go, where she would rub a bar of LUX soap all over my bottom teeth. It tasted horrible, but she didn’t do it for long, because we were poor, and she didn’t want to waste too much soap.

Overall, I was a pretty good kid. I always tried to make her laugh to give her a break from all our family problems. And even though she’s not here anymore, I commend her for trying to keep me in line.



Mary McGrath
Crow’s Feet

Top writer in humor, short stories, writing, advice and poetry. She’s written for Newsweek, Wall St. Journal, Good Housekeeping, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.