More Terrible Retirement Advice in the Headlines

This is how the media is screwing with your happiness.

Mel Schlesinger
Crow’s Feet


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There is no shortage of articles about what you must do to ensure a happy and long retirement. And it is easy to understand why there are so many articles. Many people need to be sure that they are doing it right.

Peruse any of the Facebook pages related to retirement, and you will see question after question seeking advice on the right thing to do.

Getting Advice from Strangers on Social Media is A Bad Place to Start

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In the last week, I have seen the following questions asked in a Facebook group:

1. What are some good non-financial tips to prepare for retirement? I’m 4–5 years away from early retirement at 58-ish and my job was my calling but I need freedom, time, and way less stress. But it’s scary to contemplate the next phase. Thoughts?

2. I’m happier with my job than I have been in ages. It’s been great. Why do I think of retirement all the time?? I’m 60.

3. Is it a good time to start a Roth 401k now



Mel Schlesinger
Crow’s Feet

Sort of retired. I am obsessed with happiness. As I write the last chapter of the story of my life, I want to share ideas on being happy.