My Husband Wants To Sell Our House

But I’m not ready yet

Lori Stratton
Crow’s Feet


Photo by author

Lately, my husband and I have run into a series of maintenance repairs that make homeowners roll their eyes, sigh dramatically, and check their savings accounts.

In the past five years, we’ve repaired our deck twice, painted the house’s exterior, bought and installed two microwaves, and replaced the leaking water heater.

We’ve installed a new bedroom carpet, refinished the hardwood floors, and cut down two large trees.

And replaced a bathroom vanity and the kitchen countertops.

I could go on, but what would be the point?

All of these expenses, plus the emotional and physical labor of dealing with them, have convinced my husband that it’s time to give up home ownership and move back to where we began our marriage.

The rental market

I have to admit that I see the appeal of renting. Unlike when we were first married and lived in a series of drafty-but-affordable shacks, we can now rent in a nice apartment complex, one with a pool and a gym.

And how great would it be to just call someone else when the water heater leaks or the dishwasher breaks?

