My Husband Is Anxious About His Anxiety

So we’re taking control

Susie Kearley
Crow’s Feet


© Susie Kearley

My husband is 65, and experiencing some age-related health problems. He was diagnosed with high blood pressure recently. They said they’d monitor it and might want to put him on statins. That didn’t sound good, but it’s better than a heart attack or stroke.

We’ve had a fair bit of stress recently, with tenants trashing our house. He’s had an operation and other health challenges. Life’s not been easy.

Since the diagnosis, he’s been worried about his blood pressure, and we’re trying to keep his stress levels down.

“I’m anxious about my anxiety!” he said recently.

It’s catch-22. Once he knew he had high blood pressure, he was anxious about that, making it worse. His dad died of a heart attack quite young. He has normal cholesterol, but the high blood pressure worries him.

I told him to quit adding salt to his snacks and to eat garlic every day because garlic brings down blood pressure. He’s taken my advice, so now our house smells of garlic.

I’d like him to exercise more too, but he has a foot problem which makes that difficult. He had an injection last Monday, which is supposed to fix the foot problem, but the benefits haven’t kicked in yet.



Susie Kearley
Crow’s Feet

Freelance writer UK. Outrageous opinions. Occasionally offends by accident. Covers writing, health, psychology, memoir, current affairs, copyright, environment.