My Wife Says I’m Losing My Memory But I Think She Is

Who’s right?

Anthony (Tony/Pcunix) Lawrence 👀
Crow’s Feet
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2023


“Perplexed older man” Adobe Firefly by author
“Perplexed older man” Adobe Firefly by author

My wife called me to the kitchen last night. “Where is our small domed cover?” she demanded.

“It’s right there.” I pointed at one of our covers.

“No, the smaller one just like it!”

I knew just what she meant. Initially, we had two of the same style, but one of them mysteriously disappeared months ago. It was probably scooped up with the trash, and at the time, I caught the blame for its loss. We searched the internet to replace it, but no one seems to make this style now. Everything is bigger. We already have plenty of those.

I reminded her this was a lost child. She insisted it was not, and she’d just used it yesterday. She didn’t, I know she didn’t. I clean up the kitchen most days and pack and unpack the dishwasher almost always. I haven’t seen that cover for a long time.

She argued with me. “I use it to cover the cornbread.”

“No, you’ve been using this bowl.” In fact, she already had the bowl out, ready to cover the plate. She frowned and put the bowl and the dish in the microwave. We didn’t continue arguing.

If this was her only memory lapse, I wouldn’t be worrying about it. I have my own lapses, and some…



Anthony (Tony/Pcunix) Lawrence 👀
Crow’s Feet

Retired Unix Consultant. I write tech and humor mostly but sometimes other things. See my Lists if your interests are specific.