Never Fear Being an Elder

Brenda Cyr
Crow’s Feet
Published in
4 min readJul 29, 2021


Revelations and realizations from over the hill.

Beautiful elder with a laptop
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Looking back, I remember thinking anyone over thirty was old, over forty was ancient, and over sixty was useless. But, much to my surprise, I have reached the over sixty crowd and feel far from useless! I can look back and see unforgettable memories, adventures, loves, and losses. I have developed a deeper understanding of what it means to be human and a deep well of compassion for those who walk in the world with me.

During my twenties, I was filled with anxiety. I worried about how I looked. If I would find the perfect career, would I ever marry Prince Charming? So many questions lay ahead of me, and I wanted everything to be perfect. I followed the latest diet, wore trendy clothes, made sure I was seen in all the cool places. Now I know how little any of those things matter. Looking back, it seems like it was one of the easiest times of my life.

My thirties brought hard lessons. Love doesn’t last, careers aren’t stable, children die before their time, and parents don’t live forever. Each event left a deep, gaping wound in my heart. But, over time, the damage was filled in with resilient scar tissue, stopping the bleeding, but leaving the memory. By the end of the decade, I had numerous scars and was changed into a stronger person than I ever thought I could be.



Brenda Cyr
Crow’s Feet

I am an R.N. living in southern Ontario. I have work and life lessons that I am excited to share with the world.