
Nothing To Fear

Crow’s Feet writing prompt #38: Aging & fear

Ann Litts
Crow’s Feet
Published in
3 min readAug 3, 2023


When I was 12, my mother died. My father wasn’t ever an involved parent and truthfully, back then, he was a complete stranger to me. My siblings were moved out with families of their own to attend to. I was alone with my grief. The death of my mother was something I had feared for most of those 12 years. And here it was — the worst nightmare of my childhood come to pass.

But, I survived.

When I was 32, my older daughter had a liver transplant. On three separate occasions, she tried to die. Each time, she was brought back and healed. Today she is a thriving artist with her own studio, mother to my grand-dogs, and wife to my son-in-law. But when we were down in it, not knowing how the story would end, it was a mother’s worst nightmare come to pass.

But, I survived.

When I was 50, my marriage unraveled. It was awful and painful, not only to me and my husband but also to our children. Causing them pain was only one layer of this multilayered nightmare. Loads and loads of layers of pain and anguish. Every wife’s worst nightmare come to pass.

But, I survived.

My Life has not been easy. Not in any way, shape, or form. But now, as I age, I am…

