Observations After One Year of Retirement

The good, the bad, and the other

John Egelkrout
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

I can’t believe it has been almost a year since I cleared out my desk, turned in my keys, and walked out of my classroom for the last time. At this time last year, I was filling out the paperwork for Social Security, fantasizing about how great life would be, and marking off the days on the calendar.

I don’t know where the time went.

Here it is, almost a year later, and I am living the life that for most of my life seemed so far off. In the months leading up to retirement, I read many articles about retirement and what to expect. Some painted a wonderful picture of a carefree life filled with fun and frivolity. Other articles sounded warnings about various pitfalls to watch out for. One thing became clear to me. Retirement is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor.

All in all, I have to say that this past year went about as I expected and, in some ways, better than I expected. Some things surprised me. A few things disappointed me. Other things simply took getting used to.

One thing that surprised me was how my perception of time changed. It seems to be going by faster now since I stopped teaching. I couldn’t figure out why it felt that way, but one day it dawned on me. I am no longer waiting for the next vacation to…



John Egelkrout
Crow’s Feet

I am a sanity-curious former teacher who writes about politics, social issues, memoirs, and a variety of other topics.