“OK Boomer.” And you think this is original?

Finally, a little insight on generational blaming.

Julia E Hubbel
Crow’s Feet
Published in
10 min readNov 14, 2019


An unapologetic rant. Then I’m going for a run.

I can’t speak for anyone else but I am sick unto DEATH of this generation -bashing.

As if.

Folks, as if from time immemorial, old farts didn’t complain about young whippersnappers, and bitch about how the world is ending because of “kids these days.” Generational blaming has an ancient history. Please see this.

And this Medium piece. Long history of ridiculous claims. Oh woe young people these days. Oh please.

As if.

As if from the beginning of time, young people didn’t heap all the blame for all the woes of the world, of which they are all completely innocent by the way, on the shoulders of previous generations. Same thing. Oh please.


Both sides: Grow. The. Hell . Up. All of us already. As in: everyone who is happy to weigh in on generation-bashing. Blaming. Searching for a scapegoat.

Can we all just please get over ourselves?

Just to make sure you understand my point, anyone who wastes precious time bashing anyone else from ANY generation is being…



Julia E Hubbel
Crow’s Feet

Stay tuned for some crossposting. Right now you can peruse my writing on Substack at https://toooldforthis.substack.com/ More to come soon.