Old Ladies Sometimes Die in Heatwaves

But it’s spring, not so hot yet, and there’s GOOD NEWS

Katharine Valentino
Crow’s Feet


Those of us who have lived long upon this earth know that the earth is getting hotter every year. When we were children, we sweltered through an unusually hot spell maybe twice a year. Lately, however, there have been at least six unbearable heatwaves a year, and the average heatwave season in major cities in the U.S. has been 49 days longer than it was in the 1960s.

2023 was the hottest year on record throughout the world. Last month was the hottest March on record. This entire year promises to set another new record.

Come July or August, if you get a headache or get unusually confused, dizzy, or nauseous and don’t have a medical condition to blame, you probably won’t be wrong to blame the heat. If your air conditioning isn’t working, it’s like an oven even inside, your heart is pounding, and you’d really like to take a frying pan to somebody who doesn’t deserve it, definitely blame the heat.

Also, take a cool shower. Drink something — but no frozen margarita (alcohol) or coffee (caffeine). And maybe take a nap.

These things are important. Studies show that it’s difficult for us old people to recognize we’re too hot. Once we are too hot, our bodies stay hot longer than when we were…



Katharine Valentino
Crow’s Feet

Still trying for the words to help us do & feel good things. Owner of Reviews for Medium Featured Books. I write life stories & about politics / social issues.