Older People Are Happier Overall

Negative stereotypes about aging are false

Patsy Fergusson
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Janaya Dasiuk on Unsplash

A friend told me recently that older people are happier because they’re more forgetful. I wondered if that’s what accounts for my cheery personality. I can’t remember a thing! It’s hard to hold a grudge if you’ve forgotten exactly what your girlfriend did that made you so mad in the first place. And if a big chunk of your energy isn’t devoted to nursing bad feelings, you have more to spend on positive activities like taking a walk along the waterfront. Still, the explanation sounded suspect. So I looked it up.

And it’s true! According to science, older people are generally happier than their juniors. You may not be able to hop the fence to get into a Buddy Guy concert (who is still strutting the stage at 87, btw), remember everyone’s name at a political meeting, or be the first to come up with the answer in a trivia game, but if you’re a senior, you probably don’t care. You’re happy with yourself anyway.

Buddy Guy performs at Stern Grove in San Francisco Aug. 6, 2023, KPIX © Photo by CBS SF Bay Area

But that happy outlook isn’t the result of a forgetful brain. A number of factors have been shown to affect older people’s mood. For one thing, most of the studies have been done on members of WEIRD…



Patsy Fergusson
Crow’s Feet

Tree hugger. Tour guide. Top Writer. Feminist. Newly-baptized Bay swimmer. Editor of Fourth Wave. https://medium.com/fourth-wave