One Disturbing Word My Older Brother Gave for My Future Older Self

There is one word tying old age and retirement together. What’s the word?

Richard Armstrong
Crow’s Feet


Two old men talking eating lunch
Photo by Alena Darmel from Pexels

The word is confusion.

I’m seven years younger than my brother, Joe.

I spent time with him at his Cape Cod retirement community. Furthermore, I didn’t realize this would be my last time before his death. Joe was the last of my four brothers to pass through the vale of death. He was 85.

It was a seven-hour drive for my daughter and me to arrive at his place. I had such an enjoyable three days with him. I don’t remember all we talked about. But, I do remember this one question. His reply keeps ringing in my ears these two years since my visit.

Joe, I have a question for you. What do I have to look forward to when I’m 84?

Joe replied with a one-word answer, “Confusion.”

I retired eight years ago. Yep, I’m 78. I’m beginning to plumb the depths of Joe’s confusion.

Confusion tightens its grip

Is this Wednesday? No, it’s Tuesday. So, it’s the last day of the month, right? No, tomorrow is the last day of this month…



Richard Armstrong
Crow’s Feet

An Intentional octogenarian optimist. Your past is not a prophet, at best; it is only a teacher.