One Foot in the Grave and the Other on a Banana Peel

Masterful Mid-life Coping Strategies

Alice Cunningham
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

Every moment of every day, somewhere someone is giving birth to a baby, a book, a choice… beginning or breaking a habit, cycle of abuse, flimsy excuses, or breathing in fresh air for the first time in months or even years after release from incarceration, or hospitalization.

It’s bittersweet thinking at this exact moment; someone is standing at a fork in the road, one side leading to happiness, wishes fulfilled, and redemption. On the other: reckless demise.

Suppose our life choices were this clear. In that case, we’d see exactly what lies beyond those colorful wildflowers (i.e., a loving, supporting partner or narcissistic maniacal stalker ahead?), or perhaps that patch of gnarly vines and sticky briars we’re reluctant to pursue leads directly to the best life we could ever imagine.

Of course, we all hope to choose wisely, but the truth is that Life is often completely random.

It may go something like this: A desperate homeless addict, estranged from their family for years, finally manages to get clean and sober and reunites with their spouse and children, only to be killed a week later by a runaway bus or crushed by a falling tree in the driveway on the way to their new job.



Alice Cunningham
Crow’s Feet

Creative. Copywriter. Blooming blogger. Breathwork enthusiast. Bohemian soul. Creative collaboration inquiries: