Our Beliefs About Getting Older Are All Wrong

You'll like it when you get your head around this.

Don Johnson
Crow’s Feet


Photo by Yousef Espanioly on Unsplash

For the last few months, I've been wrestling with the common belief that "getting older" is something to be dreaded. Part of the problem is that the words "getting older" are loaded with negative baggage.

Many people associate aging with health issues, not looking so good, getting replaced in the workforce by younger people, sitting on the sidelines in a fast-changing world, losing brain power, fighting off boredom in retirement, and spending too much time in doctors' offices.

I have another problem with those words, too.

Something happened to me two weeks ago that cleared up both issues, which I will explain in a moment.

Contributing to my mental quandary is that, at 72, I feel more engaged, connected, inspired, and energetic than I did ten years ago. When I was younger, I thought old age would be one big bummer.

Leaving my last full-time corporate job when I was 66, cleaning up my addictive personality, and getting married to the right person have also contributed to my general bubble of contentment.

I'm active but not frantic or stressed. I have plenty of time to reflect, travel, sleep in when I want to, spend time with friends…



Don Johnson
Crow’s Feet

Author | Meditation Teacher | Advocate for Kindness, Respect & Freedom | Human Potential Coach | Connect with me here: www.bemoreconscious.com