Our Human Quest For Meaning — A Thought Experiment

Caring about future generations gives our life meaning.

Jen Gippel PhD
Crow’s Feet


What will I sacrifice so future people can enjoy? Image by Jen Gippel

Should we care about future generations? How does the ongoing survival of humanity give meaning to our life, if indeed it does? This article, using a thought experiment, attempts to shed light on these questions.

I’m well into my sixties, and as I get older, I seem to think more and more about my role in the bigger scheme of things and the meaning of life. It is part of my striving to age well but it causes me uneasiness, and sometimes deep anxiety, and my questions are not just about reflecting on my past but very much concerned about the now and the future — am I making the world a better place? What do I love? What will it cost to save it for those who follow? And a most perplexing question: how important is it that long after I’m gone, others get to enjoy a sunset or a pristine snowy panorama?

There are no universal answers to the meaning of life. But I believe there is a lot of pressure today to make our own meaning. Look at the self-help industry gurus advising us to find our “why.” Follow our dreams. Uncover our purpose. Take ownership of our life. The message is that we should feel free to pursue our present aims and try to satisfy our present desires. These ideas are alluring but they are genuinely hard to…



Jen Gippel PhD
Crow’s Feet

Ph.D. Finance, MSc Creativity Studies | Combining science and personal experience I write about Aging, Creativity, and Life.