Crow’s Feet Prompt #61 — Memories
Our Story
Memories shape our lives
Memories — the ones we choose — shape how we see our lives. For you see, it’s always about perspective. Am I a victim or a survivor? Am I aggressive or bold? Am I bitchy or do I just hold my boundaries?
The hue of our memories shapes our self-perception.
And I believe that is one reason why memory loss — for any reason — scares the crap out of us.
We have Humans in our lives who we can claim as memory keepers. These are our siblings, our parents, our extended family members, our spouses, and our long-time friends. The Humans who have been with us through the ups and downs and all around our existence. They help balance our perception of the past. They can call “Bullshit” on our extremes. Life wasn’t all sunshine and roses. Alternatively, they help us to remember our moments of joy when we lose hope.
As more or less an only child, I have lost most of the memory keepers of my childhood. My parents have long since moved on to The Next Thing. My siblings were out of the house raising families of their own by the time I was born. I have lost childhood friends and extended family members either to disease or estrangement.