Positive Behaviors I Embrace for a Happy Life as I Age

It’s best for me to accentuate the positive

Jay Davidson
Crow’s Feet


screenshot of my last six months of daily walking [image by the author]

Health comes first

Excellent health has been the foundation of my happy life. I am fortunate to have reached the age of 77 with no major health concerns. As I have been a vegetarian for 52 years, I believe that my healthy diet has been a major contributing factor for staying as healthy as I am.

The last time I had a glass of milk or a donut was 1975. For the most part, sweets like cake, ice cream, cookies, candy, and pie do not tempt me in any way. My tastebuds skew much more towards savory foods, so it’s easy for me to eschew the sugar.

I was a runner until I was 50. During the last ten years, I have embraced walking as my primary form of exercise. Though it’s been my goal to walk 10,000 steps a day for the last ten years, I have frequently surpassed that goal. So far in 2024, I have walked more than 3,300,000 steps, with a daily average of more than 14,000.

Towards this end, it’s helpful that I live in a walkable city and do not own a car.

I nourish my relationships and they nourish me in return

Though I don’t have a huge number of close friends, I do my best to nurture those…



Jay Davidson
Crow’s Feet

Retired teacher (San Francisco, 1969–2003); Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Mauritania, 2003–2005); public speaker, artist, writer, traveler, world citizen